Section: politics | Issue: 6 | Date: 01/06/20
The MISSION, VISION and VALUES of the organization are transmitted through two main lines: the strategy of growth and continuous improvement, as well as the strategy of professionalization of the organization.
- MAM (Manipulados y Acabados Metálicos, S.L), establishes that its Quality Management System aims to:
- Satisfy the needs of all interested parties, attending and providing adequate solutions to their requirements in a documented manner.
- Evaluate their degree of satisfaction in order to detect new opportunities for improvement.
- Comply with legal and regulatory requirements, both industrial, labor and environmental, that apply to us.
- Optimize the profitability of our organization and be competitive in the market.
- The Management of MAM (Quality Committee), is committed to:
- To review, modify and/or define the Quality Objectives, with a minimum annual frequency, that allow the Company to advance in continuous improvement.
- Identify the responsible party(ies), allocate resources and plan relevant actions (including policies) to achieve these objectives.
- Progressively facilitate the participation of all personnel in the continuous improvement process until the achievement of these objectives is assumed by each and every person in the organization.
- It is considered optimal to adopt a Quality Management System based on processes according to ISO 9001:2015.
- The adequacy of facilities, production machinery, software, etc. and personnel training (improvement of their skills) will also be assessed in terms of performance, in order to identify their contribution to the achievement of the established objectives.
- MAM's policy emphasizes the importance of reducing non-conformities as much as possible:
- increase production yields.
- increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction
- and increase the safety and stability of MAM's employees.
- The Quality policy can be summarized with the following slogan: